Practice yoga online with Tias & Surya from anywhere, including asana, SATYA, meditation, pranayama and more.



Can’t make it to Santa Fe? Prajna Yoga has LIVE weekly classes for you to deepen your personal practice and hone your teaching skills. Practice with us at home!




Study and practice by taking amazing courses with Prajna Yoga in one central location online. Whether to deepen your personal practice or to hone your teaching skills don’t miss this opportunity to embody the wisdom of Prajna Yoga right in your own living room. We offer a rich weave of postural practice, meditation, anatomy, and wisdom study to help further you on your path.


Upcoming Online Prajna Yoga Immersion Courses

Be sure to register soon as space is limited.

SATYA 1 | Online Immersion

SATYA (Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement) is Prajna Yoga’s therapeutic, “yin” style practice. We practice fine articulated movement on the floor in a flowing fashion, synthesizing breath with movement. The exercises are non-weight bearing and involve sliding, gliding, and circular movements to reduce myo-fascial holding in the body. When done on the floor, the breath and movement together enables myofascial release without strain. All movements are done slowly, in isolation, and without force. The SATYA movements replenish the body by increasing circulation (the flow of prana) throughout all the tissues of the body. SATYA acts as a “prana pump” to oxygenate the bloodstream and irrigate, or “soak” the tissues.

When: October 20 – November 6

The Anatomy of Kundalini | Online Immersion

This course explores the colorful, poetic and artistic descriptions of kundalini within the yoga tradition while reimagining kundalini through the eyes of contemporary neuroscience. We use the yoga practice of asana, pranayama, yoga nidra, and meditation to enliven the deepest life force of the body. We will see how the force (shakti) of kundalini flows within the central nervous system and as awareness itself. This force bears close resemblance to the reptilian brain and brainstem. Through practice and study, we will see how breath, vibration, sound, and visualization activate this most primal vitality in the body.

When: November 9, 10, 16, & 17

lily pods on body of water

Yoga Nidra: Winter’s Rest | Online Immersion

In the winter season and toward year’s end we take time to rest deeply, reset the nervous system, and restore the body’s vital energy. In this yoga nidra practice, we focus specifically on the importance of releasing the cranial tissues and restoring the brain. In yoga nidra, we move from outer to inner, that is from the periphery to the core. We emphasize releasing the peripheral nerves in order to gather awareness into the brain and central nervous system. We embody states of deep peace and relaxation through restorative yoga, yoga nidra, and its corollary, savasana.

When: November 30, December 7 and 14

You can find additional online trainings with Tias via
Glo, Yoga Journal, Embodied Philosophy, Shambhala, and Yoga U.


“I am absolutely devouring “Yoga of The Subtle Body” I am a Thai Massage Practitioner in Nelson, BC. I have read a lot of yoga books as well as books on Thai Massage and energy healing which were great, but your book sings to me! Thank you for your work and all the heart you put into this piece of art. I can’t wait to share it with my fellow healers…just simply yummy!”

– Liz Babcock