Prajna Yoga Teachers are students who have received their Prajna Yoga 500 hour certification. They teach classes that directly reflect the spirit and content of Prajna Yoga. In addition, these students take continuing education, a total of 20 hours of practice time with Tias and Surya every year. This map also shows students who have completed the Prajna Yoga 200-Hour Teacher Training, as well as who have completed the 150-Hour SATYA Certification.

To add yourself to this directory, please fill out this form.


Whether you are looking to return to your center in your personal practice, become a certified yoga teacher in the methods of Prajna, expand your practice into yoga therapy or simply looking to learn from us online, we have offerings to meet you where you are. 


“This training has transformed my practice and my teaching. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their practice and/ or advance their teaching skills in the hands of an extraordinarily talented teacher.”

– Alexandra Northrup